Het Nieuwe Fundament van Paardenvlechten

Vlecht, rol, speld door, buig en voila!

nul ervaring vereist

Maak eenvoudig de mooiste vlechten binnen enkele secondes. Met uitstekende grip en herbruikbare pinnen, Quick Knot is voor iedereen.

Gegarandeerd de beste resultaten
verkrijg de jouwe nu

Miljoenen spelden zijn al gebruikt door mensen in meer dan 30 landen. Quick Knot is een must have geworden, voor mensen die niet meer zonder willen vlechten.

Quick Knot
is zoveel meer dan een "tool"

Deze 'tool' heeft het vlechten voorgoed veranderd voor mensen die moeite hadden met vlechten, waarvan de handen pijn bezeerden of die er geen plezier aan beleefden.

Aanbevolen door experts


Since April 2021, I have been using the Quick Knot® Deluxe and the Quick Knot® Deluxe XL for my ponies. I am very excited about them and can't live without them anymore. Mom no longer has to make knots for the ponies. It is very easy and fast to do this way. Now I can make nice and strong knots myself, just 10 years old.

Jaclynn Otten
@jaclynn.otten | 76.5k followers

These very well designed clips help me when I need to braid quickly or when I have to do several horses in the same day, they save so much time and look great. I would never say I am good at braiding, but I have had several compliments on how good they looked. I was amazed at the simplicity and effectiveness of this product. I highly recommend it!

Theo Hanzon
@hanzontheo | 7.3k followers

As a Paralympic rider, I have long been a satisfied user of Quick Knot. It is incredibly easy to use, even for people with less dexterity like myself. The buns stay in place nicely and within no time the horses are dotted and can also be dotted again quickly. I am very happy with this product and can definitely recommend it to others in the equestrian industry. It has made my life a lot easier. And they bring good luck too!

Manon Claeys
@manon.claeys1 | 17.7k followers

We were pleasantly surprised by the Quick Knot® Deluxe pins. As showjumpers, we had never tried them before, and it's amazing how easy they are to use! It's no wonder they're called Quick Knots – it took us only 5-7 minutes to get perfect braids.

Emilie Sehested
@emiliesehested_equestrian | 74.4k followers

Since a few years we use the quicknot for our ponies. We often go with 2 ponies on competition and with the quick knot we are done very quickly with braiding and knotting in les then 10 minutes! And it’s looks beautiful and last all day! We couldn’t do it without!

Riley's Ponyteam
@palomino_princess210 | 118k followers

Super easy to use and the results are amazing. Especially on international weds it saves a lot of time. We think a beautifully trimmed horse is important!

Isabella Karajkovic
@Isabella.karajkovic | 67.5k followers

Quick Knot® Deluxe is truly a revolutionary product. The ease and speed with which beautiful buns can be made after braiding the horse's mane is very good. Plus, taking these pins out saves a lot of time AND mane hair! Awesome!

RK Dressage
@robbinkleermansdressage | 111k followers

Charmant en stijlvol

Quick Knot Jewel

De meest exclusieve vlechtaccessoires in dit segment. Voorzien van originele Swarovski Medley-kristallen voor een opmerkelijk elegante look die universeel kan worden gebruikt met Quick Knots.

Koop uw kristallen hier
Hoge kwaliteit kristallen
Het Perfecte Kado

Quick Knot Jewel wordt geleverd in een zeer stijlvolle verpakking zoals je van exclusieve producten verwacht. Het perfecte geschenk om uw dierbaren mee te verrassen.